Universal GPS Speedometer

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Universal GPS speedometer for anything you can mount it on. 

This speedometer is such a handy upgrade for bikes that exceed their original 30mph speedometers. Our testing has shown it to be very accurate as well. 

The best part, it fits in most common moped speedometer housings. We've been carrying ours around in the CEV bullet headlight. 

Operation is simple. Provide a power supply and it turns on and quickly finds satellites. The GPS receiver is built into the unit so installation is simple and clean. 

This particular GPS speedometer has a few extra features as well. It will record your maximum speed which can be reset at any time. You can also set an overspeed warning so if you hit a certain speed, a warning light will flash to notify you. It can also display current battery voltage, number of connected satellites, and display the current time. Oh and a handy odometer that can be reset. 

IP65 rating so you're safe riding in most weather. You can select MP/H, KM/H, or NMI/H for you boaters out there. Max speed is 999 KM/H so good luck!

Power supply must be DC and between 10-24v. So if you already have a battery on board, perfect. Otherwise, we've been hooking ours up to inexpensive NiMH batteries on older bikes with no battery. 

Overall bezel size is 64.2mm. Outer diameter of the body casing is 60mm. Total height is 51mm with two 15mm mounting studs on the back which are 35mm apart. 

Factory recommended cutout size for mounting in a dash is 61mm.